288 Carabooda Road, Carabooda, WA 6033 | Call (08) 94075288
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Carabooda Kikuyu

Carabooda Kikuyu Grass

Kikuyu turf is a bright green soft leaf turf grass which does not go dormant in Winter like all other turf varieties. It is predominantly used in parks such as Kings Park, golf courses, school ovals and surrounds, rural residential properties and your local park where it is enjoyed by children, animals and birds. As Kikuyu is vigorous and easy to grow, this fabulous grass variety has become very popular here in Perth, self-propagating and quickly repairing areas affected by high foot traffic such as a concert or sporting events. So for all lawn addicts and garden lovers, you’ll enjoy lots of mowing and socialising with your neighbours. Be kind to your Kikuyu and give it some extra water on the very hot days!

Foot Traffic

Tolerant of Foot Traffic

Thanks to its robust nature, Carabooda Kikuyu Grass can withstand heavy foot traffic without compromising its lush and vibrant appearance.

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Fantastic For Children and Pets

Kikuyu's soft leaf makes it fantastic for children and pets. Its durability makes it great for school ovals, day care centres, playgrounds, sports fields and public open spaces used for outdoor festivals and concerts.


Superb Tolerance

Kikuyu turf is very hardy and performs well when correctly maintained. It has superb tolerance in many different locations and climates, but prefers Spring, Autumn and Winter.

Person Mowing Grass

Weed Inhibitor

Lastly, Kikuyu turf is a good weed inhibitor derived from its highly competitive growth habits

Frequently Asked Questions

Kikuyu grass is a warm season perennial grass. It grows quickly, spreading prolifically all year, which makes it a very popular choice for schools, parks and rural areas, as it competes heavily with Winter weeds. Kikuyu loves WA’s temperate climate and your children and pets will love Kikuyu.

The main benefit of Kikuyu grass is its extremely fast growth, so it recovers very well from foot traffic and is very competitive with weeds. It has a deep root system to search for water and nutrients.

Kikuyu grass can be successfully planted at any time of year. However, like all roll-on turf, the best time to install Kikuyu grass is when the ground temperature is warm, which assists the turf to establish a root system quickly. If you are opting to install Kikuyu stolons, the best time to plant these is in Spring, as too much rainfall could rot the stolons before they get a chance to establish. Establishing turf during hotter months has the benefit of quick establishment, but higher costs in water usage.

During the warmer months Kikuyu grass would establish in 2-3 weeks, and would be ready for its’ first light mow. It is entirely weather dependant, so the cooler the ground temperature, the longer the turf will take to establish. Having good soil that retains water is key to the performance of any lawn, which you can do by incorporating compost, manures, clay, blood and bone, and soil wetters. A good reticulation system where the water sprays cross each other so no areas miss out on water is also very important!

To establish Kikuyu grass, it is recommended to apply 10ml of water three times per day (preferably at 6am, 10am and 2pm). It is not recommended to water the turf once there is no evaporation, so the last watering should be done at the hottest time of the day! In WA, it is also recommended to use Soil Wetters as part of your watering regime to assist with water absorbtion and retention, particularly in the warmer months. In winter, if there is frost, it is recommended to water the turf in the morning to prevent leaf burn, but here in WA frost is minimal and there is generally sufficient rainfall to keep the plant happy.