Lawn Care

Once your lawn is established maintain your watering schedule at two deep waterings per week to a depth of 10mm. To measure 10mm place an icecream container on your lawn and turn your sprinklers on. Time how long it takes to collect 10mm in the bottom of the container, this now should be your preset watering duration. Water is best applied early in the morning to allow surface water to drain.

Carabooda Lawn will retain a premium finish if fertilised regularly. Frequent light applications every six weeks will keep your new lawn lush green and healthy. Carabooda stocks a full range of fertilisers and our friendly staff can advise you on the best fertiliser for your needs.

During the summer months your new Carabooda lawn should have it first mow 10-12 days following installation. This will trim off any high points from the first week of establishment and ensure the lawn has good contact with the subsoil. In Winter allow a minimum of 14 days before lightly mowing your new lawn the first time. At all times scalping your new lawn should be avoided.

A well maintained healthy lawn will generally resist weed infestation. If weeds become a problem a full range of selective weed sprays are available from Bunnings stores. Bunnings nursery staff can advise on the appropriate treatment for your lawn.

Carabooda Lawn is resistant to disease if maintained in a healthy state.

During the warmer months it is advisable to treat our Carabooda Lawn for lawn grub and black beetle. Bunnings stores carry a full range of insecticides and we will gladly advise you on what treatments to apply. Again always take care and follow the manufacturers instructions exactly.